...“a persistent cycle of
pragmatic learning,
experimental adaptation,
and constant revision
driven by a
uniquely disciplined
and focused will.”
Hi, Welcome to my site. I am an artist, photographer and designer. While I partly exist within these titles, I have a range of interests which for now, allows me to initiate and perform activities that enrich art in diverse communities, including art curation, art management and writing.
I am a global citizen from Leh, Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas. Being from here and Darjeeling, studying in Woodstock, an international boarding school to college in Pennsylvania and Vancouver, BC, has shaped the better part of me and my interests. My interests and hobbies involve travel, culture, walks, philosophy and psychology, architecture, community, lifestyle and food.
Currently I am creating and finding creative solutions for a range of fields. A primary objective is to retrieve what is essential from our histories in an extremely progressive field in order to constantly re-present and make relevant our visual history to build more consciously ordered and aesthetic environments in our communities.
On this site is a little bit of what I do.